The objects for which the College is established are:
(a) to promote the advancement of the art and science of surgical nursing;
(b) to promote excellence in nursing and health care in Hong Kong through regulating surgical nursing specialists practice and professional boundaries;
(c) to define and promote the standards of advanced nursing practice for the surgical specialties;
(d) to promote integrity, ethical conduct and standards in the practice of advanced surgical nursing and its specialties;
(e) to foster the development of advanced surgical nursing education in specialist areas;
(f) to provide education to the specialist nurses to promote professional and educational advancement in caring for the sick and in giving better service to the community;
(g) to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas in nursing and matters concerning the nursing profession;
(h) to involve actively in the postgraduate training of surgical nurses;
(i) to provide a high standard of quality care and better service to the community;
(j) to protect the public by regulating standards of advanced surgical nursing practice;
(k) to advise the Hong Kong Government SAR on matters related to health regulations and to better the health service of the community of Hong Kong;
(l) to apply for, promote and obtain any legislative or regulatory enactment, order, regulation, directive or other authorization which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to further the objects of the College;
(m) to publicize the purpose, history, record, functions, operations, activities or achievement of the College, by whatever means or channels including, without limitation, by conferences, seminars and public forums, publication of books, periodicals or other documents, circulars or advertisements, web-page over the internet, and to stimulate support for the College;
(n) to make provisions for the application of any of the profits, funds, monies or assets of the College to any charitable, benevolent, provident or public purposes whatsoever;
(o) to assist, advise and provide mediation for the members of the College and to assist members in career development;
(p) to organize and hold lectures, discussions, debates and other meetings and to arrange concerts, exhibitions, plays and cinema shows for charitable purpose;
(q) to run any canteen or restaurant to cater for College members and for functions sponsored by the College;
(r) to undertake and administer any trust for charitable purposes;
(s) to accept and receive subscriptions, donations and gifts (of whatever nature or kind) and bequests to the College for charitable purpose;
(t) to take any gift or assignment of property whether subject to any special trust or not for any one or more of the objects of the College for charitable purpose;
(u) to grant scholarships and prizes;
(v) to manage, improve and maintain all or any part of the buildings, easements and properties of the College, and to demise, underlet, exchange, sell or otherwise deal with and dispose of same, either together with or in portions, and for such considerations as the College may think fit;
(w) to hire and employ all classes of persons necessary for the purposes of the College and to pay to them and to other persons in return for services rendered to the College, salaries, wages, gratuities and pensions;
(x) to establish, promote or assist in establishing or promoting any other bodies whose objects are similar or in part similar to the objects of the College or the establishment or promotion of which may be beneficial to the College provided that the College shall not have any subsidiaries and none of the funds of the College shall be paid to any institution, society, club or other body which pays or transfers, directly or indirectly, any part of its income by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever to its members;
(y) to invest and deal with money of the College not immediately required, upon such security and in such manner as may from time to time be determined;