Council Members


Mr. TO Hoi Chu 

Immediate Past President



Ms. CHAN Chung Sze Angela (Chair of Professional Development Committee)

Ms. LAM Choi Ping

Ms. LAU So Ying 

Ms. WONG Tze Wing (Chair of Education Committee)

Honorary Secretaries

Ms. CHUN Oi Kwan

Ms. TSANG Wai Ling

Honorary Treasurers

Mr. LI Man Chun

Ms. WONG Kwai Ying

Council Members

Ms. CHAN Suk Chu

Ms. CHOI Mei Ping Priscilla

Ms. HO Wai Fan

Ms. HO Wai Yi

Ms. LAM Mui Kwai Rossini (Chair of Administration & Registration Committee)

Ms. LAU Mo Ching

Ms. LAW Siu Ming Susan 

Ms. LI Suk Yin Crystal

Ms. NG Yee Man Winnie 

Ms. PANG Shuk Yi

Ms. TONG Mei Ha Angelina

Ms. WONG Kwok Ying (Chair of Examination & Accreditation Committee)

Ms. YEW Siu Yin

Dr. YIP Ka Huen (Chair of Quality & Standard Committee)

Ms. YUEN Siu Ling (Chair of Promotion & Public Relations Committee)